<% Dim ConnectionString set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'define connection string, specify database driver and location of the database objConn.open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; SERVER=; PORT=3306; DATABASE=villas; USER=Nick_P2; PASSWORD=nick753848x2; OPTION=3;" location = "Gran Canaria" Onsite = "Yes" sql = "Select * from VillasFull" sql = sql & " Where Destination = " & "'" & location & "'" sql = sql & " And Live = " & "'" & Onsite & "'" Set villaRS = objConn.Execute (sql) %>

Villas With Pools

Villas With Pools

Gran Canaria Villa Rental Holidays 2024/2025

Gran Canaria Villa Rentals

With a winning combination of great weather, good beaches, sophisticated nightlife, interesting history, marvellous scenery, and the equivalent to duty free shopping, Gran Canaria is a great year round holiday destination. Nicknamed a mini-continent, the island has coastline scenes of dramatic cliffs giving way to golden sandy dunes, with rugged mountains, tropical forests and tranquil valleys.

Gran Canaria Villas

<% while not villaRS.EOF %>

<%=villaRS("VillaName")%>, <%=villaRS("Resort")%>

Sleeps: <%=villaRS("Sleeps")%>
Tour Operator:


<% IF villaRS("Top") = "Olivers Travels" THEN %>

" target="new"> ">

<% ELSE %>


<% END IF %>

<% villaRS.MoveNext %> <% WEND %>

Gran Canaria Resorts


<% VillaRS.Close objConn.Close set villaRS = nothing set objConn = nothing %>